As of Right now it looks as though we'll have 32 teams racing and 2-4 teams signing up on the day of; 14 male:male teams, 7 female:female teams, and 13 male:female teams, plus the teams signing up race day The race day is nearing, and I'm getting really excited. All the points are set, the snow is quickly melting, and the river is running fast. I looked on the national weather service website, and the outlook as of Tuesday says we’ll have partly sunny, with highs near 50 for the race.
What to bring
You’ll find out on race day that much of the woods will be water logged and muddy. I'd suggest rubber boots if you don't want your feet wet, because you'll probably be running in calf high water in different places throughout the course. Also, bring extra shoes, socks, and clothes for after the race. Lastly, I’d suggest bringing some eye protection. There are some areas forested with spruce that are especially dangerous for eye injury.
If you need lodging check out the hotels button on the upper right portion of this page along with the map to the start (Connor lake picnic area). If you wish to camp out, there is a campground just north of Connors lake for RV's or tents. After the race, we'll be heading down the road to big bear lodge for awards and food. So feel free to eat a lot, and stay long. But back to the race.
Pre Race Check in
- 5:15 We will start checking racers in.
- 6:45 pre race brief
Things to remember
You'll need to have $8 for USARA membership/insurance unless you have a card already (no membership, no race). Racers will also have to sign waivers to race. After that you'll need to get your bike ready for transportation where you'll pick it up later in the race. This means you'll have to snap your helmet on to it and then we'll tell you where to place it. We'll be transporting the bikes just before or immediately after the race start. At registration you'll get your main map and passport and other free stuff.
After everything is signed and ready you'll have time to check out our compass and pacing information if you need to learn or just need a refresher (these will be very important to check out if you aren't comfortable with navigating. We'll have the area set up so you can find how many feet are in your pace; this is really handy in know the distance you've traveled on your map.
The Race
7:15 Race Start
As I eluded to earlier, you'll be receiving a course map and passport after you check-in. Remember the race rules; If you loose your passport, you'll be disqualified (however you'll still allowed to finish the race). You'll receive separate orienteering maps at those designated Transition Areas (TA's) on your course map, and all of the points will be plotted for you. We will have your canoes ready to go and , along with paddles and PFD’s. You can bring your own paddle(s) if you wish and we will make sure they get back to the Start/Finish area.
As far as the mandatory gear list goes, we’ll keep you honest by incorportating challenges that use these items, and I’m going to have the volunteers leaders pick an item from the gear list at TA's throughout the race; missing team or personal mandatory gear will cost your team 30 minutes each. On that note, I’ll be taking cell phones off of the list for mandatory gear items; there is absolutely no cell phone service in the area. All other Mandatory gear items are fair game for check.
In the previous update I gave you some estimates for the different lengths of disciplines. After going through the course there will be less biking than stated before and more orienteering. Probably about 1.5 to 2 hours of biking and 4.5 to 5 hours of orienteering, and 1.5 to2 hours of canoeing. We will have a race cut off time at 6:30 so we can start the awards at7:00/7:15. \
Rules to Remember
-All racers are expected to be examples of good sportsmanship. Racers must treat fellow racers & race staff with courtesy and respect.PENALTY: Strict penalties will be assessed for unsportsmanlike behavior based on the infraction.
-Teams must assist fellow teams in need of medical attention.PENALTY: Strict penalties will be assessed for non assistance based on the infraction.
-Stay within 30 yards of eachother at all times. PENALTY: 1st offense 30 min. 2nd offense Disqualification.
-No GPS in possesion on the course. PENALTY Disqualification.
-Missed Checkpoints will be penalized by 30 minutes each.
-Teams not obtaining all checkpoints will be placed under those reaching all checkpoints.
-Checkpoints and TA's must be punched in the correct box on the passport. PENALTY: 30 minutes for every punch in the wrong box.
-Teams must have all required personal and team mandatory gear. PENALTY: 30 minutes for every item missing.
That’s about all I can think of for now so, email me if you have any last second questions.
Mark Halvorson
715 416-0462
2009 Pictures!
15 years ago
It's gunna be wet everyone! The river is running as fast as it ever will. Get ready for some fun!! Hope you're as jacked as I am!!
FYI: Your rain jacket will come in really handy as a windbreaker. I'd bring some gloves to wear for the paddle and the biking as well.
Final numbers for the race~ 33 Teams!
15 Male : Male teams
6 Female : Female teams
12 Male Female teams
See y'all soon,
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